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 Canadian PM Trudeau and the Canadian government are a HUGE problem for all of us, not just for Canadians.
Freezing bank accounts, arresting protestors for “unacceptable views” and threatening to kill pets of truck drivers. These are just some of the disturbing acts of the Canadian government today, turning into an authoritarian state in the guise of a democracy.
Why am I vocal about this insanity in Canada? Because I love the G-d given freedoms we have been blessed to enjoy in Israel, America and other democratic countries and I won’t be silenced as our governments are taking them away from us using “emergency powers” in the guise of “public health”.
Last week 20,000 Israeli truckers joined the global truckers convoy and drove to Jerusalem together with other Israelis. Join me as I was in Jerusalem welcoming them as they arrived in Jerusalem to stand up for our freedoms. Regardless of health status, vaxx status, country etc. the overreach of our governments affects all of us. We are all in this together.

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