The First Pulse of Israel conference on.. Unmasking Jew-Hatred within the palestinian national movement

We need to finally delegitimize any and all acts of violence against Jews in the name of the cause called "Palestine", and oppose any movement of Jew-hatred that legitimizes violence against Jews around the world. We must change the conversation to save lives.

Conference Follow-Up Action Plan

Pulse of Israel was pleasantly surprised by the international enthusiasm for our recent “Unmasking” Conference in Jerusalem on June 25th. The level of interest and participation was encouraging, but perhaps even more so, the interest of Jewish leadership to stand bravely on this issue and join us in calling this out. 

It is now our mission to seize that interest and engage in a broad strategy of tactics to mobilize this virtual community. 

Following the delineated 6 Point Plan presented at the conference by Former White House Special Envoy Elan Carr this includes: 

  1. Tear down any distinction between antisemitism and anti-zionism
  2. Double down on Jewish peoplehood
  3. Combat all forms of Antisemitism
  4. Focus on College Campuses/Education system
  5. Suffocate State and Semi-State sponsors of Antisemitism
  6. Go on the Offense – Embrace Jewish Values and Jewish Pride
  1. Relentlessly produce content for email lists, social media channels and paid ads. 
  2. Launch a Pulse of Israel Unmasking Jew-Hatred Intern Program – Hire a small army of talented and ideological young (HS and College) adults.
  3. Promote concrete action items in Congress, EU, and Israeli Knesset that are directly connected to these 6 points – (like the Taylor Force Act).

All materials then lead to one or more of the action items aimed to end the state and semi-state support of antisemitism.

  • End funding to the Palestinian Authority
  • End funding to UNRWA
  • Pressure to pull out of UNRWA
  • End funding to UNESCO
  • Pull out of UNESCO

We need your help. The problem has finally been brought to light. The interest in finally fighting this growing scourge has been shown. People around the world are ready to help. With the right resources and partners, Pulse of Israel can implement all of these 6 points and bring real change. 

Join us and let’s move the dial:

  • Unmask Jew-Hatred within the Palestinian National Movement
  • Empower Jews worldwide to proudly deal with growing Jew-hatred, focusing on tomorrow’s leaders. 


Speakers Include:

Itamar Marcus

Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch

Caroline Glick

American-Israeli Columnist and Author

Elan Carr

Former US Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating AntiSemitism

Col.Richard Kemp

Former commander of British forces in Afghanistan

Melanie Phillips

British Journalist, Broadcaster and Author

MC Avi Abelow

Host of Pulse of Israel and CEO of 12 Tribe Films Foundation

(in person or virtually) as we launch a new initiative

5:30 Israel time/10:30 am EST

Menachem Begin Heritage Center & via Zoom
