Deep State Showdown: The Fight for Freedom in the USA and Israel

Donate Now DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Israel is experiencing a crazy period with the Attorney General’s office and secret service performing over-the-top actions against various law enforcement officials and patriotic soldiers. With each day, more and more people in Israel are learning about the existence of a deep state. You do not want […]

Israel’s Problem with the US is Much Deeper than the Biden Administration

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Did you know it took Israel and the IDF half a day to defeat the Egyptian army and liberate Gaza in the 1967 six day war? So, what is the problem today? The Biden administration, but not just… As Israel is trying to fight […]

Calling for an Arms Embargo on Israel?

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Following the Canadian government’s decision to forbid sales of arms to Israel, now 130 British MPs are also calling to forbid arms sales to Israel. The Western world’s downward spiral of immorality screams to the high heavens. Recommended Videos For You […]


Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Avi spoke with Kim Yeater when he was at Turning Point. Recommended Videos For You Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Be the first to know about new episodes

Former NSA Soldier on the Yom Kippur War

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Avi speaks with Bruce Brill, a former NSA soldier who shares invaluable information on America’s role in the Yom Kippur War. Click here to purchase Bruce’s book “Deceit of an ally” on amazon. Recommended Videos For You Pulse of Israel is […]

Daily Jew-hating Tiki-Torches and Arson Attacks Ignored by the World

Be the first to know about new episodes [give_form id=”4430″] Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Israel has been experiencing daily arson terror attacks and tiki torch terror. Yet, the establishment media, in Israel and abroad, has largely ignored reporting upon any of it. You do not want to miss understanding […]

Understanding the Growing Attacks Against Jews in America is Simple, Yet Ignored

Be the first to know about new episodes [give_form id=”4430″] Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Just last week another Jew was attacked by a Muslim, this time it was a Rabbi attacked in the streets of Boston. This is just another in a growing number of incidents.  Too many people prefer […]

Caroline Glick: The passing of a Jewish hero and Visionary Leader Sheldon Adelson

Be the first to know about new episodes DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Donate Below This past week the Jewish people lost an extremely influential and proud Jew, Sheldon Adelson. Caroline Glick shares with us her thoughts about Sheldon z”l who […]

Caroline Glick On What Connects Israel and America

Be the first to know about new episodes This video was produced with a donation from the Landau family in Cedarhurst, NY in memory of Azriel Ben Menachem Mendel HaLevi and Shmuel Ben Natan. BOOST THIS VIDEO TO REACH UP TO 1000 MORE PEOPLE Be the first to know about new episodes Pulse of Israel […]