Israel Finally Taking on UNRWA

Donate Now DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Israel is experiencing a crazy period with the Attorney General’s office and secret service performing over-the-top actions against various law enforcement officials and patriotic soldiers. With each day, more and more people in Israel are learning about the existence of a deep state. You do not want […]

UNRWA Exposed

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS It seems that the Western world could no longer ignore the evil of UNRWA. But, honestly, UNRWA is only the tip of the iceberg.  Should we be thankful that some Western countries are finally stating that they will defund UNRWA?  Do not miss […]

Textbook Terror

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Amazing Update on UAE Funding for UNRWA

Be the first to know about new episodes DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS I last interviewed David Bedein, the Director of the Nachum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, back in September about the fact that the UAE is one of the biggest funders to UNRWA, financing the education of murdering […]