Immoral and Dangerous Global Backlash

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Yesterday I visited the holiest place for the Jewish people, the Temple Mount, on the day before the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. Today, Jews around the world are mourning the destruction of both Jewish Temples thousands of years ago, […]
Unbelievable Changes on the Holiest Site

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Yesterday I visited the holiest place for the Jewish people, the Temple Mount, on the day before the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. Today, Jews around the world are mourning the destruction of both Jewish Temples thousands of years ago, […]
Echoes of Triumph: Jerusalem’s Liberation in Stunning Footage

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Be ready to be wowed and join me as the Jerusalem Day celebrations begin in our ancestral capital city of Jerusalem. No matter the war, the captives in Gaza, the challenges around us, and the trauma we are still experiencing as a […]
Happy New Year from the Foot of Our Holiest Site

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS With the new Jewish year upon us… Thank you! Recommended Videos For You Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Be the first to know about new episodes
We Are Living In Amazing Times

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Jews all around the world today are mourning thousands of years of persecution, with a focus on the destruction of both the First and Second Temples, thousands of years ago. Today, people are afraid of the division they see within the […]
Waking up to the Centrality of The Temple Mount

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS I spend a lot of time visiting the Temple Mount, speaking about the Temple Mount and sharing with you my visits to the Temple Mount, like the recent full walking tour of the Temple Mount. I was recently asked to speak […]
Temple Mount Walking Tour with Expert on Islam & the Middle East

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS As the Jewish people all over the world are focused on the destruction of both of our Temples, thousands of years ago, this is a timely video to share with everyone. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of joining a […]
The Pilots’ Insubordination and the Optimistic Truth about the Judicial Reform Protest Fallout

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS The judicial reform in Israel, currently stopped, has thrown Israel into a societal crisis as we have never experienced, including the insubordination of some of Israel’s elite air force pilots. Join me to understand, in a much deeper way, the societal […]
Experiencing the Holiness of the Temple Mount Together with Friends from Washington, DC

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS It is always special going up to the Temple Mount, the Holiest place in the world for the Jewish people. We, at the Yes! Israel project love bringing our friends from Washington, DC to this holy place to experience it for themselves […]
An Ancient Secret Fuels the Battle for the Temple Mount

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS I never heard about this fascinating topic until I met Shelley Neese, author of “The Copper Scroll Project”. This book is about actual and ancient copper scrolls found near the Dead Sea about secret treasures in the Temple Mount. I had […]