My Personal Story of Gush Katif, the 2nd Lebanon War, IDF “Refusal” and Judicial Reform

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Today’s program was a total surprise, even for me! Honestly, everything in today’s program will one day be written up a book and maybe even produced as a movie. You do not want to miss hearing all about the connection between […]
The Spiritual Ramifications of the Antisemitism Behind the Palestinian National Movement

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Coming out of my weekly Pulse of Israel Torah talk with my dear friend and Rabbi Shlomo Katz inspired by being witness to the birth of a new, beautiful and inspiring Jewish song, one he created on the spot during our Torah talk […]
The Tremendous Power of the Torah for the People of Israel

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS We just experienced two seperate terror attacks in Israel over Shabbat, one in Tel Aviv and one in Judea & Samaria, and both of them highlight how the leaders of the political left, together with the establishment media choose to attack […]
Faith & the IDF in the Age of Miracles on the Battlefield

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Another unbelievable Pulse of Israel Torah talk episode with beautiful Land of Israel Torah from Rabbi Shlomo Katz. This time, a deep dive talk on faith and the Israeli army. You do not want to miss it! Recommended Videos For You Pulse of Israel […]
The Power of the Jewish People when we are Connected to the One Above

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Today’s Pulse of Israel Torah talk episode with Rabbi Shlomo Katz is fire!!! A necessary short Torah talk that we should all listen to every single day, especially if you are a parent/educator struggling to teach over the importance of both fear of the one above […]
We Must be Our Own Leaders

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS What can we learn from the mistakes of the Jewish leaders who discouraged the Jews from entering the Land of Israel? How are Jews supposed to think/act today regarding speaking about Israel and returning to Israel? So many levels of depth […]
We are Being Morally Confused – How Do We Understand Reality Today?

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS So much information out there is literally confusing all of us, but especially the younger generations. Left is right, evil is good, boy is girl, sexual perversion is good, terrorists are good, Israel is bad. So many people today are so confused […]
The Power of Studying Torah

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS What’s the connection between philosophy, learning Torah and secular Zionists who helped build up this country? I found out! This morning I really enjoyed my Pulse of Israel Torah talk with Rabbi Shlomo Katz delving into the beautiful Torah of Rabbi Kook that […]
Communicating in an Age of Divisiveness

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Whether online, at work, or even at the Shabbat table or any social setting with friends or family, it is almost impossible today to avoid divisive conversations. Society today has been conditioned to be triggered by almost anything, even just saying […]
Going Deep with Rabbi Katz on Why Jews Celebrate the Lag Ba’omer Holiday, and why Bonfires?

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS This week Jewish people around the world will be celebrating the holiday of Lag Ba’omer. Why do we celebrate this holiday? Israel will be filled with bonfires up and down the country.Again, why?There is so much depth to this holiday that even many […]