Tremendous Optimism Despite the Hypocrisy Regarding Today’s Protest Leaders

DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Moshe Feiglin began his political career as a concerned citizen turned protest leader back in the 1990s. He led the Jewish people in protesting against the dangerous Oslo Accords that whitewashed one of the worst modern terrorists of all time, Yassar Arafat, and had Israel give him and […]
Post-Election Analysis Focusing on the Silent War Going On

Be the first to know about new episodes [give_form id=”4430″] It is always a pleasure speaking with former Knesset Member, Moshe Feiglin, to hear his insight into Israeli politics. Upon asking Moshe for his post-election analysis, Moshe explained that while we can all breathe a sigh of relief from the danger that was averted, we […]
Former MK Moshe Feiglin: The Most Important Message about the Jewish State of Israel

Be the first to know about new episodes [give_form id=”4430″] This is the most important message about the Jewish state of Israel that everyone must hear and share with others. While there are powerful people who have been trying to weaken the Jewish character of the state of Israel, they will fail, because of this one, extremely […]
Former Knesset MK Moshe Feiglin on Latest Terror & Knesset Meeting about Shot for Kids

Be the first to know about new episodes [give_form id=”4430″] Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Hearing about the Knesset Committee on Covid-19 Vaccine Shots for Kids with Former Knesset Member Moshe Feiglin, who was present at the committee meeting. Be the first to know about new episodes Recommended […]
FULL Interview with Moshe Feiglin: Returning to the Likud, What will be with this Government and Much More

Be the first to know about new episodes [give_form id=”4430″] Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! A full deep dive interview finding out Moshe Feiglin’s thoughts and insights into what is going on today with Israeli politics and society? Moshe is one of Israel’s most successful protest leaders who led a […]
Israel’s Most Successful Protestor-Turned Politician: What Will Be With This Government?

Be the first to know about new episodes [give_form id=”4430″] Listen To The Full Interview Here Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Fabulous short insight from Moshe Feiglin, an excerpt from a full deep-dive interview that you can watch below. Moshe is one of Israel’s most successful protest leaders who led […]