A Justice System Turned Against the People

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS Do not miss this deep dive interview with MK Simcha Rothman who is the chairman for one of the most important committees in the Knesset dealing with the justice system. I’m not exaggerating by saying that the justice system is Israel […]
Illegal Migrants Riot Reminding Us About the Judicial Dictatorship that Must End

Sign up right now to subscribe DONATE TO GET THIS VIDEO SEEN BY THOUSANDS The Israeli people were just given a huge reminder why judicial reform is needed ASAP. The other day, thousands of illegal African migrants rioted on the streets of Tel Aviv, injuring over 150 people including 30 Israeli police officers. These illegal migrants are […]
Bombshell Report Exposes Deep State in Justice System

Be the first to know about new episodes DONATE SO THIS VIDEO CAN REACH THOUSANDS Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Pulse of Israel is changing the conversation. Help educate the world! Donate Below Last night, we were given even more proof that G-d exists and looks over us, following a bombshell report […]