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Iran executed Navid Afkari, an Iranian wrestling champion, for the crime of protesting against the Islamic regime at a street protest.
Democratic nominee Joe Biden tweeted against Iran’s action, but Miss Iraq was quick to highlight Biden’s hypocrisy, placing the blame squarely on Biden, and Obama, for empowering Iran during their administration.
Miss Iraq’s tweet puts a spotlight on the fundamental difference between President Trump’s Iran policy and the Obama/Biden policy. A Democratic administration would turn the back the clock to the Obama era policies if it gets elected.
Iran has not always been a hotbed for radicals. Throughout most of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, Iran was actually one of the most Westernized of all of the countries in the Middle East. But, over time, the forces of radicalization of the Islamic movement gained steam and power. By the end of the Carter presidency in 1979-1980, the Iranian revolution was in full force. This led to the hostage crisis that engulfed the whole world for nearly one year. Then, in the 80’s, the radical Iranian government and the radical Iraqi dictatorship fought one of the most costly wars between two countries. Ultimately, Iran has continued to be a constant destabilizing force, while Iraq has largely become a country that is struggling to find itself since it’s defeat in the Persian Gulf War.
As Iran remains a major source of funding for terrorism in the Middle East, it is a constant threat to the whole freedom-loving world. Everyone who votes in elections should watch this video to better understand the foreign policy of the leadership that we ought to support.
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